We offer Innovative Technologies for
clean and safe water.
Our wide range of technologies and extended know-how in all water-related sectors will guarantee you a cost-efficient solution meeting your water quality requirements.

Featured products

Cutting edge technology is what makes us stand out.


FLYGT H 5570

The Flygt H 5570 slurry pump is different. Following a planned maintenance schedule, this Flygt pump can work in even the coarsest, heaviest slurries and keep sumps solids free.


Cartridge Filters

TIMEX Cartridge Filters are simple in design and can be used in variety of filtration needs. Cartridge Filters are available with Cleanable Cartridge Elements, Backwashable Metal Elements and with disposable elements with filtration degree down to 0.2 microns.

Water quality

HACH Lange VIS Spectrophotometer

VIS spectrophotometer designed for precise and accurate measurments, designed to avoid any errors in your water analysis. Designed with technology that gives accurate resaults and user's support in every step of the analysis.


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CWT offers a variety of solutions tailored to standard industry needs.

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The Wastewater Pumping Solution that Eliminates Callouts and Optimizes your Operations

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We are proud of continued and effective partnership with quality brands in water managment.